Thursday, September 3, 2009

An Alternative Comparison Chart (Dad)

I'm not a big fan of these veggie comparison charts for our baby's growth. Considering that he's going to be a MAN one day, I don't think this comparison to a bunch of tutti-fruttis is conducive to his development as the macho, alpha male I know he will one day become.

As such, I would like to propose an alternative chart: The Meat Scale.

That's right, our baby has far more in common with a tasty cut of rib meat than some nasty stalk or root.

This week, our boy is approximately the size of a filet mignon. Like the picture above, he's fairly lean with only a small percentage of body fat. Though nearly "cooked" as it were, he's still rather "rare" on the inside, as his lungs and brain continue to develop. In just a few short weeks, I'm sure we can all agree he'll be quite "well done".

See? Much better.

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