Monday, October 19, 2009

Nursery (Mom)

The project for this weekend was the nursery. Saturday morning, Paul and I drove over to Home Depot and picked up painting supplies and had to finally settle on the colors we would use for the nursery. So at the last minute, we decided to go with blue and yellow. We did use low VO paint, (Mom, that's for you) and I stayed downstairs while the painting was being done... so don't worry! :) Dorothy came up around lunchtime and together she and Paul set to work on painting the nursery. While they were working on the nursery, I took care of sorting all the papers that had taken over our dining room table over the last several months and getting them filed away in their proper places.

The nursery turned out PERFECT!!! I absolutely love it! It feels warm and cozy and perfect for a baby. And it's making us even more excited to bring our baby boy home!

Before pictures:


Of course we've already rearranged the furniture in the nursery since we took these pictures, so the crib is on a different wall. And our dresser should be in within the next three weeks! Then it will be complete!

But our work weekend didn't stop there! All the baby clothes that we have so far have been washed, sorted by size and hung in the closet. About half of the stuff that had been inhabiting the nursery closet have been moved to the basement. We were given the curio cabinet that was Grandma Bishops, and that has been cleaned, put into a spot and filled with pretty things. A new shelving unit has been put into the basement to help accommodate our growing need for storage. Ah... it feels so good to get so much done in just one weekend!


  1. Estoy muy emocionada para conocer al bebe Bishop! Tambien espero que te vayan bien los demas de los dias antes del nacimiento!

    xoxo besos y abrazos!

  2. Very nice! It looks very cute. It looks like a little baby is officially getting ready to move in!
