Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Creating Memories (Dad)

Lately I've been considering all the ways I can document our son's birth along with all the firsts that will occur over the next year. We've purchased a camcorder so that we can easily carry it along to holiday gatherings and other places, so at least we'll capture all the milestones. We even started a video journal for little Wendell, taking some footage of his nursery room and recording a message before he arrives.

But it's so easy to get carried away with this stuff. For example, I considered buying a really nice still camera to take lots of high-quality photos; Danielle has the materials to start scrapbook, to knit scarves, and to create photo montages; and I've even thought about writing short stories from the point of view of an expecting father. There's just no limit to the amount of creative memory-keeping projects you can do! As a self-proclaimed writer, blogger, and movie maker, I feel sort of obligated to use these talents for the sake of my future son... and yet I wonder if it's not possible to go a little overboard.

Perhaps a little scarcity in the photo-taking and movie-making might be healthy. After all, how much more do I cherish the few movies that exist of my childhood because of the paucity of materials! Would I get the same nostalgic chills watching old movies if I had hundreds of hours of it, perfectly preserved? And the end goal is not to commit EVERY moment to film so that nothing is forgotten. Forgetfulness can be a blessing, too!

I suppose, like all things, there's a balance between capturing too many moments on film and too few. It'll be nice to be able to put together collages and montages for special events over the years, but perhaps it removes some of the fun if it's ALWAYS expected. Perhaps childhood is best preserved in our memories where details are provided not through celluoid or other storage media, but through fuzzy, imperfect neural connections which fill in the blanks with magic and wonder.

Things to consider moving forward. After all, the idea is to prepare our son for the future; not to create an immersive past he's afraid of leaving behind.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Appointment and H1N1 vaccine

My appointment last night went pretty well. I met with the final doctor in the practice and he was of the same opinion as the last two... that we can wait this out and should be able to deliver naturally. This made me feel a lot more relaxed. After measuring and feeling my belly, this doctor thinks our boy is just approaching the 9 pound mark now. This is both a relief (I've been afraid that he was already 10 pounds) and also terrifying (for obvious reasons). I still have no progress, of course, but we all know that can change at any time. Our next appointment is scheduled for Monday, when they will also do a stress test since I'll be past my due date at that point, just to make sure baby is doing okay.

Ah the H1N1 flu shot. For a long time I was set against getting it because I was afraid of side effects and because it hadn't been tested very well. But after knowing several people that have had this flu and were miserable, Paul and I decided that maybe it would be a good idea to go ahead and get it. Besides the shot being recommended for pregnant women, it has been pushed towards caretakers and guardians of infants under the age of 6 months. So I found a Walgreen's out by our house that was distributing them today and Paul and I took early lunches and met there at 11:15. Turns out, we were just in time. We got two of the last four vaccines that they had. Whew! We were there for over an hour, but at least they had a place to sit and nice people working there. I think we're both relieved to have that taken care of.

I love the holidays. So many yummy cookies and goodies around the office! I think I'll go have another sugar cookie (because this baby isn't already big enough)! :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

39 and a half weeks (Mom)

We never thought I’d still be pregnant at this point, but here I am, still pregnant and still at work. I’m doing alright though. I’m a little uncomfortable and it’s hard to move around, but other than that I feel really good! But the waiting is taking its toll on me because of the concern over complications. The more time that goes by, the larger the baby gets and the more worried I become about being able to deliver him naturally. The doctors have been great at letting us play it by ear up till this point, and encouraging us to try to do things the way we would prefer to. But even I am starting to get anxious about it now. I just don’t want to make a bad decision that could affect the wellbeing of my son’s life, and the fear increases with each day that passes with no sign of his arrival. I would much rather deal with recovering from a c-section than living with making a bad decision. I go back to the doctor again tonight and am meeting with the last doctor in the practice that I have not seen before. I’m hoping that he will offer us some guidance, or better yet miraculously tell us that we have some progress and can go to the hospital right away to induce!

Work has gotten very boring for me this last week or so. Don’t get me wrong, I am VERY appreciative of the low stress levels that I have these days. Everyone has been absolutely wonderful at letting me ease my way out of doing my regular duties here. Not to mention that they have all been very encouraging and sympathetic as well. But I do feel a little strange being here and not really doing much. I would use vacation time and just go home and work on stuff around the house, but I really need to save all the time I have for my maternity leave. So here I am!

Paul and I have been quite the anti-socialites lately. We have opted to stick with activities that keep us within 30 minutes of the hospital. We have also made sure to do LOTS of relaxing. We have been going to bed early, waking up late and taking lots of naps on the weekends. I think this is something we will greatly appreciate having done once the baby arrives. Paul has also put a new plan in place to keep me cheerful, where every third day that the baby hasn’t come, then Paul and I get to have a date night of some sort. This weekend we went to see the new Disney movie The Princess and the Frog at the theater. It’s been a fun way to take some of the anxiety off of us. And it keeps Paul and I very close which will be a great way to start our life as a family.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Doctor's Update

Hello Again!

I had another doctor's appointment this morning. Baby Bishop still appears to be in no hurry to enter the world. I met with a completely new doctor and he seemed to be of the same mindset as the last one. He said shoulder dystocia is very hard to predict so he doesn't see it being a huge concern at this point. He believes the baby is big, but not so big that we need to be worried. He did say that if we are concerned and want a c-section, then we can go ahead and schedule one, but he also thought that if we'd prefer a natural birth that there should be no problem with that.

I go back to the doctor again on Monday. At that point we will just reassess again to see what the best option is.

Again, I'm just hoping to go into labor on my own and as soon as possible.

Danielle & Paul

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Waiting Game (Mom)

The whole "nesting" thing is absolutely not a myth. The funny thing is, it seems to have hit Paul as much as it has hit me. The two of us just keep coming up with one project after another to work on around the house. The house is getting very organized and very clean. I think it makes us both feel happy to be at home when things are in such nice order! Plus, we put some very nice finishing touches up in the nursery! :)

Paul had a great idea to do a little video journal for our son before he arrives. So yesterday we set up the camera in the nursery and talked to our baby boy. It was pretty cool, and I'm very glad that we did it! Good idea Dada! :)

I'm getting extremely anxious for our boy to arrive. Less out of discomfort (although it's true that is a factor as well) than concern though. Since they were worried that he was going to be a big baby two weeks ago, every day that goes by means he has had a chance to get bigger, increasing the risks of problems trying to give birth naturally. It just makes it harder knowing that we might have to make a decision about how to handle this best. I go back to the doctor on Wednesday and I'm really hoping that they will green light inducing me on Thursday if the baby hasn't come by then. We shall see I guess.

Come on baby boy, you're making your mommy worry!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

38 Weeks (Mom)

Since our little guy can come anytime now, Paul and I decided that we needed one last nice date night together. So last night we went out to Maggiano's and had a lovely dinner. The food was great, the restaurant was decorated so pretty for Christmas, and we just had a really good time together. I'm very glad we had a chance to do that before our baby arrives.

A new pattern has begun at work. When I leave work at night, I just say, "Good-night, I hope I don't see you tomorrow!" And every day I show up to work, everyone smiles and says, "still here huh?" and gives me a sympathetic look. My work has all been reassigned to Jackie and Julie for my maternity leave. The changes went into effect starting this past Monday so that I would be around to answer any questions as they came up. It's a good plan. So I have finished up pretty much all of my outstanding projects this week, which is great! But now I kind of feel like a paperweight and I'm not really sure what to do with myself here. I just answer questions if they come up and then wait around for the next one. But with how tired I am these days, it's really nice to be so unstressed at work.

I'm having some contractions, but they're pretty irregular. They started as I was leaving work last night. But then they stopped all together aside from a couple that I felt in the middle of the night. I just keep hoping that they're at least helping to make some progress. They're back again this morning, so hopefully they're more than just Braxton Hicks. Only time will tell I guess.

In my head, I play over and over again how I'll tell Paul that it's "time" all day long. I just can't wait to tell him that it's time to go have our baby!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Oh Baby... (Mom)

Okay my dear little one... I love you and I am so glad I have gotten to experience this whole pregnancy thing, but you really need to come out now.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Doctor's update today!

Hello Again Everyone!

Went back to the doctor this morning. Baby Bishop doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to get here, but we all know that can change in a day (I have to tell myself this not to freak out that he won't come out). :) I met with a different doctor in the practice this morning and he seemed to think that I had no greater risk than anyone else for having to deal with shoulder dystocia. He thought that if we preferred having a natural birth then we should go ahead and try for one. We can always change our minds if we still have no progress or get concerned.

So again we are here hoping that I will go into labor on my own… and the sooner the better!

Thanks for your continued support and prayers!

Danielle & Paul

Monday, November 30, 2009

November 25th Update

Good Morning Family & Friends!

We went in this morning for our 37 week ultrasound to see how the baby is measuring. Again we were told that he is measuring ahead of schedule, though not quite as far along as before. They think he is already at the 7 lb. 10 oz. mark. My doctor called me shortly after our ultrasound to go over the findings. She is concerned about something called “shoulder dysplasia” because the baby is so large, especially in the belly (so he’s a little chunker!). From what I understand, if you deliver naturally with a baby that is measuring this way, there is a chance of this problem. The baby’s head comes out fine, but then they have trouble getting the rest of the baby out. This can cause permanent damage to his shoulders and it can also cut off his oxygen. It often leads to an emergency C-section or other complications in the delivery room.

So we may have some decisions to make. They can schedule a c-section for one week before my due date. Or they can schedule to induce one week before my due date. (And with inducing, there is a greater chance of having to do an emergency c-section anyway).

We are of course concerned with the situation, but not completely freaked out. The best possible thing that we can see happening at this point is if I went into labor NOW on my own. My doctor said if that happens, she doesn’t think we would have a problem at this point.

Please keep our little guy in your prayers and also that we will be able to make the best decision possible if we need to.

In the meantime, we have attached the latest pictures of our little man! :) Enjoy!

Danielle & Paul

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Breastfeeding and Other Awkward Activities (Dad)

Just a foreword, instead of having to decide between writing "breasts" or "boobs" or "bazookas" throughout the following description, I think I'll just abbreviate the term as "BB". It doesn't really stand for anything. It's just a lot less embarrassing to type than, say, "jahooblies" or "kazangas" or "nunga-nungas."

Anyway, let's continue. So last night we went--


Sorry, just had to get that last one out of my system. As I was saying, last night we attended the last of our five prenatal courses, and I'm glad we took it last. After seeing birth videos and baby crash test videos and baby choking videos, watching a mother with rather misshapen assets attempt to nurse her child didn't even make me flinch. I mean, it was basically a two-hour introduction to every single shape and size of BBs one can imagine. What I never realized before is that it's so complicated. In retrospect, it makes a lot of sense. Little babies have certain instincts that will help, but ultimately, the mother has to make herself compatible with his particular nursing habits. To demonstrate why a class exploring one of the most natural events in life was so awkward, I'll just say that the instructor's advice for helping a small baby nurse was to "squish the BB like you would a sandwich so that the baby can get it in his mouth."

First of all, I would just like to say that I don't squish my sandwiches. And sandwiches come in all shapes and sizes. Do we squish the BB like a subway sandwich which is kind of round? Or do we squish it like a grilled cheese which is very flat? Be specific, Lady!

So maybe it would have been more helpful to say something to the effect of "you need to squeeze your BB so that it flattens out like an Almond Hersheys bar." Almond Hershey bars are ALWAYS the same size. That's what's so cool about them. Or she could have even said something like, "flatten your BB so that it assumes the approximate shape and size of a Chipotle quesadilla with meat and cheese only and not even those leftover little lettuce bits that always get on my quesadilla from the guy's burrito before me". THAT would have been much more understandable to me.

Anyway, I've rambled on long enough about breastfeeding. I'm sure we're better for taking it. I know Danielle will do just fine. So yay, classes all done. Time to put our education into practice.

Oh, and one more thing...


Monday, November 16, 2009

Under a Month! (Dad)

Our countdown timer is under the one month mark now - 30 days to be exact. And that doesn't take into account the doctor's recent prediction that our son may come closer to December 4th than the 17th. That's two and a half weeks away! Either way, Danielle and I are in hardcore nesting mode now. The house is pretty much ready, particularly the nursery and guest rooms which look to get quite a bit of use this winter.

Danielle has packed her hospital bag and I just need to add a couple of my own things, but the important thing is, she's ready. I still would like to take a video of her stomach moving before it's too late. I never want to forget how cool it is to see our little guy sticking his hands and feet up against mama's uterine wall. And let's be honest - Danielle just wears that belly like nobody's business! I need to document that for future generations who fail to believe that pregnant and sexy are not mutually exclusive.

Lately Junior and I have been playing the flashlight game. Danielle's belly is stretched thinly enough that when I shine a light against it, the baby sees and reacts to it. This is a wonderful experience for two reasons: 1) it means the baby can see!; and 2) it means the baby can react! I briefly considered teaching our boy Morse code but then decided this was silly, again for two reasons: 1) nobody knows Morse code any more; and 2) my son's first two languages have already been agreed upon: English and C++. I want to have the world's first computer programming toddler. Anyway, the flash light game is the first of many games I anticipate over the next 18 years until our son ultimately rejects us and moves to Southern California to pursue a career in post-modern film and surfing.

Danielle and I have gotten a jump on Christmas shopping for the year so that we don't have to waddle through the crowded stores come Christmas time (or even worse, tote a two-week old around). This has been an eye-opening experience for a procrastinator like myself. I didn't know you were allowed to do your Christmas shopping early! But what a novel idea to try to have all our presents bought and wrapped by Thanksgiving! Danielle's been far more successful than I have, but still, even having one present bought before December 20th is progress for me.

Anyway, here comes the homestretch! This is where the Lamaze (what I remember of it) and the yoga (which we've only done once) and all the books (I skimmed a couple of them) should come in handy. In one month from now, if all goes well, we're going to have a little baby.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Braxton Hicks (Mom)

So... had a little excitement yesterday. I started having Braxton Hicks contractions, which I've had in the past, but I was suddenly able to feel them. It was just a slight discomfort. So I started tracking them only to find that I had 5 in an hour, which is more than I should be getting. So I called the doctor's office and spoke to a nurse. She told me that it was probably nothing to worry about but that it might be a sign that I was doing too much. She told me to go home and lay down and drink lots of water and then track them again. So I did that, and they got better. I was still having them, but they had slowed down substantially.

I think I've got everyone on high alert now. haha Good practice run though!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Star Is Born - Baby Shower (Mom)

Carly, Ashley & Mom threw us a FABULOUS baby shower!!! (Thank you!!!) They kept the theme a surprise until we arrived... "A Star Is Born". What an appropriate theme for us... all about movies! (Because we all know that this child is going to be a star in many a film that we make)! :) There were balloons and stars hung everywhere!

We were in the Mallard Room (again, how appropriate for me) at the Mill Race Inn in Geneva. An entire wall of the room was made up of windows overlooking the Fox River. It was so pretty! And we couldn't have asked for better weather... it was in the 70's in November! We had such a good turnout of people... family and friends and people we love! Philip had also put together a slide show of all our maternity pictures for display that turned out so nice. It was such a fun day!

Here are some pictures:

We Have a Daycare (Mom)

On my way to work this morning, I dropped off a deposit at the daycare we decided to go with. It feels good to have this taken care of. Paul and I both felt very comfortable at this place. It reminds both of us of our childhood schools. And we have had good feelings about all of the people that we have met so far. I think our baby boy will get lots of attention, be loved and well taken care of at this place. And that's what matters the most. So as much as I still don't want to leave him with someone else, I feel good about our choice.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Danielle's Surprise Work Shower (Mom)

When I got to work today, I had a busy morning ahead, but it looked like the afternoon was shaping up to be slower paced and more relaxing, just the way you want a Friday afternoon to be. But then, it started. The guys kept bringing me these ridiculous projects and telling me that they were in a huge hurry for it. So I ended up taking a really late lunch at which point I was no longer hungry. Then I went back to my desk and spent the afternoon desperately trying to keep up with the strange requests.

Then all the laundry guys started making their way to the training room talking about a meeting they were having. And then a few minutes later, Brad pops around the corner and says, "Hey Danielle, we're going to have a little training going on in here and I was hoping you could come and take notes for us." So I found a notebook and pen and made my way back to the training room. The door had been shut behind him so I opened it, and lo and behold, there were all of my coworkers in a fully decorated room!

And of course I stared crying right away because it was so sweet! The room was decorated so nicely... tablecloths on all the tables, balloons and streamers all around!

And then I noticed Paulie hiding behind the girls! Aww! He kept the secret from me and the girls were able to sneak him into the office without me knowing!

So we spent the next couple of hours eating pizza and chips and dip. And there were shower games... guess how many kisses are in the giant baby bottle and guess that baby food! haha The guys were very good sports considering this was the first ever baby shower for most of them and most of them have no experience with baby food.

After games, they gave us lots of wonderful presents! A pack and play, diaper genie with refills, car seat base, and portable high chair! Then they had an ice cream sundae bar (do they know me or what!) for dessert. :)

It was a wonderful shower! Here are some pictures...

Me walking in the door:

I remember saying "you can't do this to a pregnant girl" (because I was crying... and pregnancy makes you super emotional) and Brad started laughing and gave me a hug

Aww, Paulie was there! That made me very happy!

The baby food game! Done the manly way... with plenty of beer to wash down any yucky tasting foods.

Opening presents

The office gals! Jackie, Me, Julie, Loretta

Me and Paulie

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Scene Is Clear (Mom)

Last night Paul and I took a class at the hospital for infant CPR. We were happy to find out when we arrived that they actually taught us CPR and choking procedures for Adults, Children and Infants. While it's scary to think about, it does make me feel good to know what you're supposed to do in those sorts of situations.

In other news my dreams keep getting stranger. The most frequent baby dream I have is that I forget to feed the baby! Then a couple of nights ago I dreamed that I was being chased by transformers up a rocky mountain side and I was trying to protect Kiowa. Then we met back up with Paul in an ocean side tent village where we kept running from the transformers. Yeah.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

32 Weeks (Mom)

32 Weeks

Pregnancy Observations: Pregnancy has this magical effect on people around you... it makes everyone really friendly and eager to help! Strangers strike up conversations with me everywhere I go these days. I've had offers to let me cut in line at grocery stores, people holding elevators, strangers offering to help me carry things, etc. This is something that I think I will really miss. :)

I'm quickly learning how to ask for help. This has been challenging for me in a lot of ways. I like being able to do everything for myself. It's humbling to have to ask someone to get something off of a shelf because I shouldn't be on a step ladder, or asking someone to carry something that normally I wouldn't have a problem with. But the fact of the matter is, it is getting difficult to do some of my every day things and I do need the help. I'm thankful to have so many people around me that understand this and completely insist on doing things for me. Like at work yesterday, I was just asking people to walk papers around the office for me because my ankles were hurting and swollen and I wanted to stay in my chair with my feet up as much as possible. And Paul took me for a walk through our neighborhood the other night and it took us twice as long as it usually does because I just can't move very fast! haha

I'm still feeling great... just moving a lot slower and having some soreness and swelling. Things I can totally deal with! But it makes me even more eager for our little boy to arrive!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Nesting, Dad-Style (Dad, of course)

Danielle and I are in full-blown baby preparation mode. Painting the nursery is an obvious example of this, but that's just the first phase. We've also purchased (or "invested" as the saleslady kept saying) in a king-size bed for ourselves. This accomplishes at least two things: 1) When the baby decides to try out his new lungs some late, winter night, we can now move him into a bassinet in the center of our bed comfortably; and 2) When family or friends come to visit, they can now stay in the queen bed set that we transferred from the master bedroom into the guest room. Of course, there's also just a sense that our home is starting to feel more cozy. More ours. We've painted three of the four bedrooms now, so each has our own personal flavor. We've got three beds total in the house and a queen air mattress to accommodate guests when we entertain, or, in a few years, when our kids have slumber parties.

To top it all off, Danielle has already finished much of her Christmas shopping, two months in advance! She has wisely deduced that she will not be able to perform our traditional last-minute shopping spree during the holiday season due to her not-so-travel-friendly belly and has been proactive in getting it done while she still can. Atta girl!

As for me, I'm wrapping up some things I needed to get done prior to baby time. I've completed a couple of jigsaw puzzles in recent weeks. I'm nearly done with the entire "Star Trek: The Next Generation" television series. You know, the important stuff. More importantly, I'm preparing myself mentally by re-reading old children's books and watching cartoons. I'm trying to determine whether we should break out the Star Wars toys in the first year or wait until he's gained a full appreciation for that galaxy far, far away. I've got a couple months to figure that important question out. I'm sure I'll manage.

And that's about all I can think of. Operation Baby Maker has just about come to fruition. I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge my wonderful teammate, Danielle, who has pretty much done at least as much as I have during this time of waiting. When our little bundle of joy finally arrives, she'll deserve at least half the credit.

Daddy Out!

Too bad he won't be around for Halloween this year!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Nursery (Mom)

The project for this weekend was the nursery. Saturday morning, Paul and I drove over to Home Depot and picked up painting supplies and had to finally settle on the colors we would use for the nursery. So at the last minute, we decided to go with blue and yellow. We did use low VO paint, (Mom, that's for you) and I stayed downstairs while the painting was being done... so don't worry! :) Dorothy came up around lunchtime and together she and Paul set to work on painting the nursery. While they were working on the nursery, I took care of sorting all the papers that had taken over our dining room table over the last several months and getting them filed away in their proper places.

The nursery turned out PERFECT!!! I absolutely love it! It feels warm and cozy and perfect for a baby. And it's making us even more excited to bring our baby boy home!

Before pictures:


Of course we've already rearranged the furniture in the nursery since we took these pictures, so the crib is on a different wall. And our dresser should be in within the next three weeks! Then it will be complete!

But our work weekend didn't stop there! All the baby clothes that we have so far have been washed, sorted by size and hung in the closet. About half of the stuff that had been inhabiting the nursery closet have been moved to the basement. We were given the curio cabinet that was Grandma Bishops, and that has been cleaned, put into a spot and filled with pretty things. A new shelving unit has been put into the basement to help accommodate our growing need for storage. Ah... it feels so good to get so much done in just one weekend!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Daycare Blues (Mom)

The daycare search is well underway. So far we have interviewed two different daycare centers and two home daycares. We have a good idea of what the pros and cons of each are, and we definitely have a favorite in each category. And really, I see one solid front runner.

Doing these searches finally made it hit me that I am going to have to leave my little baby with someone else. I mean really, when you do these searches, you are looking for someone to stand in for the two of you while you’re away from your child. And come on, no one else can love your child the way you will, right? So yeah, what a huge decision to make! When I start to actually think about it, I get pretty emotional about the whole thing, and I know those first few weeks back to work are going to be really hard.

But I also see the other side. I know that it will be good for me to come back to work for a while. I love my job and I don’t think I’m quite ready to give it up yet. Of course maybe I’m just telling myself this to make leaving my baby easier, but hey… whatever works right? And I know that it will be really good for the baby’s socialization to be around other babies and kids and adults so much of the time. But it’s still very hard to think about right now….

30 Weeks (Mom)

I can’t believe we only have 10 weeks to go (maybe even less) until our baby boy arrives. It just doesn’t feel like very much time and still I feel so unprepared in a lot of ways. But Paul and I both work better as we get close to deadlines so I’m sure everything will get done! Let’s see, I think I’ll make a list:

• Pick out and buy paint
• Paint nursery
• Clean out nursery closets
• Sort and hang baby clothes
• Sort and find a new location for maternity clothes
• Set up new baby items as we get them
• Move our bed into the guest room to make room for our new king size bed
• Rearrange playroom to make room for baby toys!
• Perhaps buy a small bookshelf for the nursery???

Okay, I feel better now.

But of course that’s just the logistical side of being ready. Emotionally and physically I feel a lot more ready for this baby to be here! I just want to hold him so badly and snuggle his sweet little face and breathe in that new baby smell from the top of his head. I think Paul and I are both just looking so forward to having him here that sometimes 10 weeks feels like such a long time to have to wait for him. We talk about how fun it’s going to be to just sit and watch him and play with him and hold him and… ah… we are just SO excited.

We are also totally excited about our baby’s newest cousin arriving in just a few short days! Diana and Jeremy are in India right now picking up their little girl, Jada. We cannot wait to meet her and welcome her into the family! And with Elise and Garth expecting a baby in March, we are just so excited to watch our family continue to grow! What a fun time in life!

In other pregnancy related stuff:

This past weekend we had maternity pictures taken! My cousin Philip was nice enough to bring all his equipment out to our house and take the pictures for us! I am very excited to see how they turned out!

And our shower is only a month from today! I’m getting very excited about it!

I’ve been having all kinds of crazy dreams lately. Things like forgetting to feed the baby because he’s asleep and I don’t want to wake him up and being chased up a hill by bad guys with guns. I’m telling you, these pregnancy dreams can get intense!

I have another doctor’s appointment on Tuesday and then I start going every two weeks instead of every four weeks. We are also going to have one more ultrasound done at 37 weeks to see just how large this baby is getting as he is measuring two weeks ahead of schedule!

Thankfully my back has not been bothering me much for a while now. I’m starting to get sleepy a lot again and I move quite a bit slower than usual, but those are things that are expected and really don’t bother me! But I feel absolutely GREAT most of the time!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bouncing Baby (Mom)

For the first time yesterday, I felt the baby have the hiccups! At least I'm pretty sure I did. I was sitting at the Toyota dealership having the oil changed in my car and was just resting my hand on my belly because the baby was jumping around like crazy and I was having fun feeling him! (I think I can thank the giant Sprite followed by giant Lemonade I drank during the day for that). And all of a sudden I noticed this very rhythmic almost like a thumping feeling. And it continued for several minutes! It was very cool!

Later while we were sitting on the couch watching a little TV, Paul was talking to the baby and putting his ear up to my belly to see if he could hear him moving around in there. He also put his mouth up to my belly and started doing the Tarzan yell. LOL

Ah, this is so fun!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week 27 Ultrasound (Dad)

So we've got ourselves a chunker! Slightly more than 3 pounds, our "little" bundle of joy is running a good two weeks ahead of schedule! The doctor actually recommended skipping the newborn clothes because his butt won't fit in them!

Anyway, everything's looking great, so we're ecstatic. At the rate he's developing, Junior might make the Cubs in the 2027 season instead of 2028, but we'll see.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Meat Scale: Week 27 (Dad)

Today our son is two pounds and nearly 14 1/2 inches long, or, to put it in terms of the Meat Scale, he's your average Pork Roast.

You'll notice he's slightly reddish in color, and this is due to the blood vessels appearing through his thin skin. He's still fairly lean, though he's finally starting to produce a protective layer of fat. This will allow him to regulate his body temperature because as everyone knows, it's extremely important not to undercook pork.

Though it's tempting to pull the little guy out of the oven as it were, it's critically important that we allow him to continue cooking. Though there's an 85% chance he'd turn out alright, a few more weeks should insure that our little pork roast is perfectly prepared in every way.

Can't wait to meat him! :-)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

27 Weeks... Almost (Mom)

The hospital tour was absolutely an eye opening moment for me. Before I was pregnant I told people not to tell me about childbirth until I was pregnant and there was no going back. And since I've been pregnant I think I've just avoiding thinking about it or hearing about it. But when they showed us the labor and delivery room with the breakaway bed, that's when I suddenly pictured the whole thing very clearly for the first time. And I felt terrified. I turned white and my eyes filled with tears before I could get a grip. The nurse who was giving the tour stopped and asked if I was okay. I just nodded. At this point Paul already has his arms around me squeezing me. So I knew it had hit him too. Of course I know that I will forget about the pain and that of course it is all worth it, but it was still one of those moments.

Yesterday I had my glucose test at the doctor's office. The orange thing that I had to drink was actually very yummy so I was happy about that. The nurse was super nice when I told her that sometimes I'm a problem child when it comes to needles. Both because I'm afraid of them and sometimes it's hard to find one. So after one unsuccessful try in the arm, she looked at me, took a deep breath and asked if she could try the top of my wrist. I said hey, might as well I have to tough up for my kid anyways right. And what do you know, it came out much easier that way and it really didn't hurt anymore than my arm would have. My results should be in today. They told me that if there was a problem, they would call today. If everything looked good, I would not hear from them. So far so good... but we've got 3.5 more hours before their office closes. :)

It's really hard to believe that tomorrow is 27 weeks. That means only 13 weeks to go! That's less than 100 days! It's going to go fast...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Recent Things (Dad)

It's been a great joy getting to feel my boy squirm around and kick. Increasingly these past couple of weeks, I've been able to catch him during his wiggly sessions. Almost without fail, if I place my palm on Danielle's belly, I'll feel at least a bump or throb within seconds. Every once in a while, I'll feel a hard kick, or even a snaking movement that trails across her belly. I've even seen movements from across the room. Our boy's getting big!

You would think these things would help it sink in a little more - and it does - but sometimes, it's still quite unreal to me. I just can't imagine what he looks like! For whatever reason, I've never had trouble picturing what our little girl would look like: basically, exactly like Danielle in her baby pictures but with darker hair and squintier eyes. But a boy? I just don't know. I don't even have an image. I hope I recognize him when he comes out.

Actually, I did experience a moment this past week when it all finally hit home. Danielle and I took a hospital tour on Sunday, and the moment we entered the delivery / recovery room, I felt the breath sucked out of me. I didn't have time to think about it for long, though, because that's when I noticed my wife had gone completely white and her eyes had grown to abnormal proportions. I think we both caught a taste of what to expect in three short months. Once we get to that hospital, it's like boarding a train that won't let us off again until we've seen a whole new world.

What a fun time, though. Danielle's hanging in there better than I could have hoped. Just yesterday she ran out to trim the hedges because they were getting to be an eyesore. This is the girl who earlier this summer declared that the yard was my domain. And after the basement flooded, she helped me sort all our soaked crap. I think the nesting instinct is spilling over from the nursery to the whole house. Hooray for me!

And the only other thing worth noting is that we've narrowed names down to a short-list. Like all indecisive procrastinators, it's not locked, but it's becoming obvious to me that we're pretty set on them. Though I can't picture our boy, I think I can almost hear us calling his name. (And don't bother asking, because we're not telling!)

That's all for now. Three more months! Yikes!

Friday, September 11, 2009

You know you're getting big (Mom)

When you start outgrowing maternity clothes! haha

Thursday, September 10, 2009

26 Weeks (Mom)

I've been a little more comfortable the last couple of days, thankfully! Paul and I started sleeping on our new king size mattress (which is currently on the floor of the playroom), and it seems to be improving my sleep patterns quite a bit. I have woken up less frequently the last couple of nights and my legs have been hurting a little less too. :)

I'm finally getting to the point where I have to realize that I can't do some of the things that I'm used to doing. Yesterday the girls at work yelled at me because they found the step ladder pulled out and realized that I've been using it to get things down from up high. Then they went around to all the guys to tell on me to which they all told me to ask them whenever I need something. So I've already had to ask people three times today, but I'm getting used to it now.

According to the websites we check weekly, our little guy is almost 2 lbs this week! His job right now is to put on weight and grow bigger! I call him my little wiggle monster because he kicks all the time now and I just love it!

AND, today I booked a pregnancy massage at Coldwater Creek the Spa! I am so excited... my appointment is for this Saturday morning. It's going to be WONDERFUL! :)

It's a happy day!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pregnancy Discomforts (Mom)

From the beginning, I told myself that I would not complain during this pregnancy. I knew that discomforts would come, but I didn't want to complain because I don't want there to be any question whatsoever about how happy I am to be experiencing this baby. But yes, I have gotten uncomfortable. My back hurts, the top of my stomach hurts (feels like stretching), and my hips and legs hurt. So I am posting this as a disclaimer. My complaining doesn't mean I want to change anything; it's just me venting my discomforts. And often I'm just fishing for someone to rub my back or legs or head or just to tell me that I'm doing a good job and that I'm one tough momma.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

An Alternative Comparison Chart (Dad)

I'm not a big fan of these veggie comparison charts for our baby's growth. Considering that he's going to be a MAN one day, I don't think this comparison to a bunch of tutti-fruttis is conducive to his development as the macho, alpha male I know he will one day become.

As such, I would like to propose an alternative chart: The Meat Scale.

That's right, our baby has far more in common with a tasty cut of rib meat than some nasty stalk or root.

This week, our boy is approximately the size of a filet mignon. Like the picture above, he's fairly lean with only a small percentage of body fat. Though nearly "cooked" as it were, he's still rather "rare" on the inside, as his lungs and brain continue to develop. In just a few short weeks, I'm sure we can all agree he'll be quite "well done".

See? Much better.

25 Weeks - Basement, Collision & Daycare (Mom)

It has been an interesting 25th week. Our basement flooded over the weekend, and I'm afraid that Dad had to do most of the work getting it cleaned up. I did help carry some of the lighter stuff out to the garage and then took stuff out of boxes and laid it out to dry. Thankfully it is now completely dried out and we got a brand new sump pump covered by our home warranty.

On Tuesday, I got into a minor fender bender getting onto 88 on my way to work. It shook me up of course, but I was able to slow down a lot before I hit the car in front of me, so the damages were minor and there was never really a concern for injury to the baby, myself or the other driver. We are very thankful for that.

Yesterday we checked out our first daycare, La Petite Academy. The facility itself was very nice looking, very clean, and close to our house. The staff all seemed very friendly and attentive to the children. And they had a very good security system. But the tour was a little lacking in that the woman spent maybe 5 minutes telling us about the place and then just asked if we had any questions. As this was the top place on my list, I was a little disappointed that they didn't have a more organized approach at giving tours. We're going to check out a few more places before we make any sort of decisions.

According to our 25 week email update, the baby weighs in about the size of a rutabaga this week!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bumper Baby (Dad)

Mom and Baby were just in a minor car accident on the way to work this morning. Everyone's okay, though Mom is understandably shaken up right now. All I can say is it could have been a lot worse.

Some minor scrapes and bumps to Spunky the Little Blue Car. A small fine. Otherwise, the day continues as though nothing's happened. All in all, if you're going to have an accident in rush hour on the highway, I suppose you couldn't have designed a better way for it to happen.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

24 Weeks (Mom)

This week, the baby is the size of an ear of corn! It's just so amazing to me how fast he is growing.

After work we are beginning our hunt for baby bedding. We are hoping to pick something tonight so that we can go buy paint and start getting the nursery set up! We have a crib and a glider ready to go once the paint is on the walls. This is going to be so much fun!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

23 Weeks (Mom)

Photo taken at 22 1/2 weeks

It felt like overnight I was suddenly able to feel a huge difference in the way my son moves around inside. All of a sudden, he started kicking hard! One night towards the end of our vacation Paul and I were laying in bed. Baby started kicking and I told Paul to watch my stomach and maybe we would be able to see something. And there it was, a huge movement that we could see from the outside... and we both saw it for the first time together! It was AWESOME! Now it happens just about everyday.

The baby kicked a lot on our travel days... it made me wonder if babies have any sort of issues with the pressurization/depressurization associated with air travel. I know I have problems with it myself, so I wouldn't be surprised. He also really seemed to like It's a Small World and Pirates of the Carribean rides at Disneyland.

I've also had a huge craving for lemonade for a long time. And the sugar really makes him dance around a bunch.

Time is really starting to fly now. Time to get the nursery ready!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Baby's First Vacation... sort of (Dad)

Okay, so he's not officially racking up new experiences yet, but it was an excuse to post. Oceanside, CA is a beautiful place to spend our last vacation before the little guy is born. We'll be traveling to Santa Barbara to see the grandparents at the end of this week, and that's a sure fire good time. We'll also visit Disneyland, the San Diego Zoo, and possibly Sea World, Legoland, and Universal. Hopefully we'll get some downtime, as well, to relax and unwind.

Right now I'm sitting at a marble dining table, staring out the sliding glass doors at the ocean which is 100 feet from me. A handful of surfers are catching the morning tide, and I'm seriously considering going for a run. Meanwhile, Danielle and the Baby are grooming and I think we'll all be ready for breakfast shortly. After all, it's already 11:30 Chicago time!

Friday, August 7, 2009

21 Weeks (Mom)

We are now officially past the halfway mark! The last several weeks have really gone by pretty fast! Our 20 week ultrasound went very well. And, much to our surprise, we found out that we are having a BOY! I think our little guy got sick of hearing us calling him a she and made sure there was no question that he was a he!

He has been kicking and moving around in a far more distinguishable way over the last week. Actually, he just gave me a nice big kick right now! It is by far one of the coolest things to feel, and it really makes me feel like I'm already bonding with him. Paul has also been able to feel him kick the last few days, which has made me very happy! It makes the whole experience feel so much more real or something.

I have some back pain that started about a week ago and has gotten progressively worse. I finally broke down a couple of minutes ago and took a Tylenol (something I had been trying very hard not to do). I'm waiting to hear back from our family doctor to see if she thinks I need to come in and get checked out before we leave for our vacation. I'm pretty sure that I just pulled something in my back, but you know me, I'm paranoid so I need 10 other people to tell me the same thing before I will believe it. :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Veggies (Mom)

Much to his father's dismay, I do believe our baby likes veggies. I just ate a big bowl of them and then I could feel the baby wiggling around! :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

20 weeks... almost (Dad)

Here's a photo from yesterday's ultrasound. What a great birthday present - to see the baby and learn just a little more about him/her...

As in, which of those two pronouns we can finally stop using. However, since not everyone knows yet, and because Danielle (Mom) might want to tell some people in person, I'll hold off just a little longer from saying anything. I did include just a tiny little clue, though...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

19 week appointment (Mom)

Hearing the sound of our baby's heartbeat is just so amazing. Its one of those things that I think I could never get enough of. Fortunately the nurse that checks it at every appointment seems to realize this and finds a good spot and lets me listen while she watches the excitement on my face.

So today's doctor appointment went well. The baby's heart rate was at 150 and all the monthly tests and checks looked good. I got the okay to start a pregnancy yoga video, which I'm very happy about. I think it should help limit the amount of aches and pains I get as I get bigger. And I've also heard that it's really good for practicing your breathing.

I'm really coming to like my doctor quite a bit. She's kind of a no nonsense, this is how it is kind of person. She always takes the time to answer my monthly list of questions and never hesitates with the answers which makes me feel confident that she knows what she's talking about. She doesn't seem to worry too easily but she understands that I do, so she meets me in the middle. It forces me to worry a little less, which is good. Looks like I stick with her for the next two appointments before I have to start going through the rotations with all the other doctors in the practice.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

17 Week Photo

This baby is really growing!

Seeing Our Baby (Mom)

The last time we saw our baby, he/she looked like a tiny little bean. There was nothing to indicate that it was a little person in there. This time, wow… there was a baby! And it was OUR baby. Bouncing around and wiggling and flipping. Complete with two arms and two legs, and two hands and two feet, two eyes and a little nose, and a little heart just pumping away. It’s a little version of us. I can’t explain how emotional and amazing it was to see him/her in there and to know that our baby is growing and developing just like he/she should be.

I feel little wiggly feelings in my belly from time to time now. And after seeing that ultrasound it’s no wonder; this child is bouncing all over the place!

I am just so amazed, and so thankful that we get to experience this. What a huge blessing. I can’t wait to meet our little miracle.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Baby looks familiar.... (Dad)

I'm probably going to get in a lot of trouble for this, but... our little baby reminded me of someone.

Ultrasound Video - Youtube Version

Since this guy doesn't know what he's doing, I'm going to link to the same video on YouTube. I don't know which version will be better or faster, but in the interest of providing too many options to choose from, I'm including both. Hopefully you can watch at least one of these videos without problem!

Monday, July 13, 2009

First Peek at our Baby! (Mom and Dad)

I hope this works. Youtube and Photobucket are giving me fits about uploading video files. I've been trying all day! Ahem... while working hard on several other things at work, of course. Here's a short, sappy collage of some of the more exciting moments of the ultrasound. As for the sex of the baby...

Inconclusive. For now.

Like we'd tell you anyway ;-)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Innie vs. Outie (Dad)

Today could be the day we find out whether we're going to have a little Elmer Goliath Bishop or a Petunia Delilah Bishop. That would be just a bonus, though. Our top priority is just to see the baby for the first time in over ten weeks. Last time we saw him/her, he/she looked like a legume. This time, God-willing, he/she should look like a fully-formed miniature version of what he/she will look like upon birth.

It's amazing how quickly the last ten weeks have flown by. Every Monday, I've taken much pleasure in Googling for "8 week fetus" or "11 week fetus" or "17 week fetus". At 17 weeks, the baby should be over 5 inches long from crown to rump, weigh around 5-6 oz., and have all the features one comes to expect from a baby: little fingers, little ears, little toe nails, and plus or minus one little feature that will determine whether this father paints the nursery hot pink or navy blue.

Just a couple more hours! They say drinking a little caffeine or sugar before the ultrasound makes the baby more wiggly so that we can see more detail. Save up your energy little Elmer/Petunia! We're hoping you'll dance for us, because we've been dancing for you for 17 weeks now.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Little Flutters (Mom)

On Saturday, during the 4th of July fireworks on the Glenview golf course, I felt a little something unusual happening in my belly. I can only describe it as a little wiggly feeling that started right after the fireworks started. I leaned over and told Paul that I thought I felt the baby moving. When we got back to the house I told my Mom about it and she said she wondered if I would feel something with all those fireworks going off. And when I described the feeling to her and later to Dorothy, they both agreed that I was probably feeling our little baby wiggling around!

I have felt the same wiggly feeling a couple of times since then. The more frequently I feel it the more I feel confident that it is the baby moving. But I’d like to feel it a few more times… just to be sure!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Checklist for Baby (Dad)

I've decided to modify this list for two reasons: 1) Many people seemed to think that this was a clue that we were having a boy. Not true. We don't know yet. 2) When I began to create a list for girls, I noticed it was very similar. Rather than be redundant, I'll just modify this to pertain to either.

1 year old - Finger paint prodigy
2 years old - Throw a baseball
3 years old - Fluent in (at least) three languages
4 years old - Dribble a basketball
5 years old - Bowl a perfect game without bumpers
6 years old - Little League pitching all-star
7 years old - Start a blog and gain at least 1,000,000 hits
8 years old - Write a children's book
9 years old - Make an award-winning short film for class project
10 years old - Make basketball, baseball / softball, and track team
11 years old - Win the National Spelling Bee
12 years old - Win the Science Fair
13 years old - Publish first novel
14 years old - Make varsity basketball, baseball / softball, and track team as freshman
15 years old - First summer job - will make $40k a year by developing website
16 years old - First white boy / white girl to win national high school dunk contest
17 years old - Internship with Pixar or LucasFilm
18 years old - Full basketball and academic scholarship to school of choice
19 years old - For boy: First girlfriend, but only if she's pre-med or pre-law
For girl: See 35
20 years old - Attain double Ph.D. in English and Computer Science
21 years old - Buy parents a beach house in Hawaii
35 years old - For girl: First boyfriend, but only if he meets the qualifications of this list.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Day Care (Dad)

I have to be perfectly honest. I have no idea where the money to pay for day care will come from. We're keeping a balanced budget on a monthly basis right now with just enough left over for savings and some long-term purchases (such as furniture and auto replacement). From what I understand, day care can cost one or two thousand dollars a month! We need to come up with at least ten thousand more dollars a year just to maintain our current lifestyle. And that's just for the first kid!

I'm not going to worry about it too much, though. I guess I'm just documenting all my thoughts. Already Danielle and I have experienced quite a few times where we couldn't see the path ahead very clearly, but things have always worked out, and usually better than we ever could have expected. I guess rather than get discouraged and panic, I should be excited to see all the interesting and unexpected ways God will meet our needs. Still, I wouldn't mind finding a big gold nugget in the backyard one of these days...

15 Week Photo (Mom)

Friday, June 26, 2009

I Am Clearly Pregnant (Mom)

There is a first time for everything... today was the first time a stranger looked at me and with no conversation to verify that I might be pregnant asked me when I was due! Which means I must look obviously pregnant! I LOVE this!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Testing Part II (Dad)

There are two questions that everyone asks the moment you tell them that you're expecting:

1) Are you going to find out if it's a boy or a girl?
2) Do you have names picked out?

I'm not making fun of these questions or of anyone who has asked them, but it's kind of the old standby for when someone breaks the news that a baby's on the way. What else are you going to ask, "So, is your wife extra gassy these days?"

For the longest time, I figured I wouldn't want to know whether it was a boy or a girl. Not because of any particular reason. It just seemed like the classy, old-fashioned way to do things. But these days, with baby showers and registries and the expectations placed on the husband to completely repaint the nursery and so forth, it's very practical to find out what the baby is beforehand. Plus it cuts down some of the name stress when you can eliminate half of the roughly one zillion names in the English language. Finally, from a blogger's point of view, it gets really annoying typing his/her and he/she all the time (because I'm not about to violate the ultimate English major's taboo of using the plural possessive pronoun 'their' as a substitute for the bulkier yet grammatically correct his/her, nor am I going to refer to my impending offspring as 'it'!). I'm really craving a gender-specific pronoun about now!

So yes, we are most likely going to find out. If the baby plays along, that is, and strikes the proper pose for us during the next ultrasound. There'll be enough excitement on his/her day of birth that the added gender surprise really adds very little for the cost of waiting and having to wade through all of those additional names.

Testing, Part I (Dad)

At the appointment two days ago, the doctor seemed surprised that we were rejecting all pre-natal screening tests. You know, the ones that tell you whether the baby will have any diseases or ailments. It was a difficult decision because on the one hand, we'd love to have the all-clear and move further into this pregnancy without worries. On the other hand, what if there is a problem? Would we terminate? Of course not. So what would be gained by knowing? Well, we'd be able to prepare more for it, I suppose. But then, would it also detract from the excitement of the pregnancy? Would it add just a dose more of stress to a time that already promises to stretch our endurance and emotional fortitude?

In the end, we decided that we didn't want to know. Besides, those tests aren't completely accurate. The woman who sits next to me at work told me how she had those same tests done and was told her baby would have Down's Syndrome. Turns out, the child didn't, but you can imagine the undue stress the mother endured because of an inaccurate test.

And when it all comes down to it, Danielle and I both believe very strongly that this child is from God, defying the odds given to us by the fertility experts. And as Romans 8 says, "If God is for us, who can be against us?"

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Heartbeat (Dad)

Instead of labeling these entries with 'PB', I'm going to start using 'Dad'. Though next year will technically be my first Father's Day, I got some nice cards and well wishes this past weekend which got me to thinking that it's okay to officially refer to myself as "Dad". Anyway, this dad got to hear his child's heartbeat for the first time last night, and if things were more hypothetical up to that point, hearing the physical evidence of my child's existence certainly made it more real. At first, I thought I was hearing Danielle's heartbeat. I wanted to ask the doctor how she knew it was the baby's, but I suppose the whole microphone on the lower abdomen as opposed to the chest is a giveaway. There's definitely a heartbeat coming from Danielle's belly! I had expected it to sound somehow smaller. Weaker, I guess, though only due to the baby's size, but I was pleasantly surprised. That was one strong beat, as loud and clear as could be!

So Baby Bishop is the size of an orange this week. THAT'S the part that hasn't sunk in yet. Danielle is showing, but not enough that I can imagine an orange-sized baby inside. I can't wait for our next ultrasound. I think that'll be the moment when it really hits. Or maybe not. I don't know. We're in uncharted territory here.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

14 Weeks - 2nd Trimester (DB)

Second trimester!!! With every week that passes, we get a little more excited and a little less worried. The second trimester is a huge milestone, especially after everything that we've been through.

I am constantly alternating between feeling like this pregnancy is flying by and feeling like it's moving along so slowly. It's one of those funny things in life that seems to hit you in waves. Most of the time, if it wasn't for the baby pouch I'm sporting, it doesn't completely register with me that I am pregnant. Then I see a commercial or email with babies and all of a sudden I get this crazy rush that one of those tiny babies is growing inside of me! Wow... talk about feeling a ton of emotions all at once! I think that once I can feel the baby wiggling around in there it will start to feel real all of the time for me. From what I hear, I should start to feel those little butterfly flutters in just a few more weeks! I can't wait!

Our next doctor's appointment is on Tuesday. I'm so excited because Paul will be coming with me and he will get to hear our little one's heartbeat for the first time! And it is such a beautiful sound. It's making me cry again just to think about hearing it. We are so blessed.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

From Mustard Seed to Apple (PB)

I don't think I truly believe our baby is the size of an apple. I mean, at the last ultrasound, the baby was a few milimeters in length. But an apple? That's huge! I just can't picture it. All those fruit charts on the pregnancy sites exaggerate, right? Just to make you feel like you're making more progress. Tomorrow is 14 weeks... over a third of the way there.

Is he/she really an apple?


Monday, June 15, 2009

The Prospective Father's Views (PB)

Danielle's done a much better job keeping this blog updated than I have. Whereas the baby's actively affecting her life already(check out that pouch!), he/she's still pretty theoretical to me. But I don't want that to be mistaken for a lack of excitement. The fact is, I'm ecstatic that we're having a baby in six short months. I think it helps that we had such a difficult time. When Danielle first brought up the idea of "trying", I wasn't against it, but I wasn't all that gung ho about having kids. I've always wanted them, but I've never been in any real hurry. I think it finally struck me when I realized that by the time my kids are my age, I'll be in my 60s. I hate to think how much I'd miss of their childhood and eventual grandchildren by waiting too much longer.

Anyway, when you have to deal with infertility, and the sudden thought of NEVER having kids settles in, your entire perspective changes. I feel so fortunate just to be able to have kids, so this baby will be a welcome addition to the family.

I'm keeping this pretty tame and neutral for a first post. I'm not sure who will eventually get to read this, so I'll not delve into how this has affected relationships or discuss parenting platitudes. Let it just be said that this is one excited Daddy-to-be who can't wait to meet his little boy or girl.

Friday, June 12, 2009

12 Week Photo

Look! I already have a baby bump! :)

13 Weeks 1 Day (Dani)

We almost bought one of those pee on a stick and find out if it's a boy or a girl tests that they just came out with yesterday. But then we decided... we're only a few weeks from the ultrasound that will tell us... so we decided to hold off. I wonder if we'll make it though...

Some of the websites I've seen say that the second trimester starts at 13 weeks and some say at the end of 13 weeks... so I guess I'll wait until the end of the 13 weeks to celebrate 2nd trimester... but yay! So close!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ode to Maternity Clothes (Dani)

Oh how much better you fit
For now I can comfortably sit
In my chair at work all day long
While I sing a favorite song.

More stylish than ever I feel
My husband cute looks does steal
So comfy and cute and affordable too
Oh what a great job these clothes do!

I must thank the family and friends
Who along did these clothes send
You all are the best
At getting me dressed
Oh how I love you all so!

12 weeks (Dani)

So our little one is the size of a lime today! All of a sudden the baby seems to be growing so fast! It's so amazing to think about.

Today we hit the 12 week mark! I think Paul and I both feel like we've hit a huge milestone and feel like we can breath a little easier. Wow... a baby! Sometimes it really hits that in 6 short months we will be coming home from the hospital with a very tiny baby that is part of both of us. I can't wait to see what this baby looks like, and what characteristics it will get from each of us, what personality traits, etc. It is just overwhelmingly exciting!